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Reverse Engineering Triangle Meshes © Vero UK Ltd.

This was work done for Vero UK Ltd., under collobarative partnership with University College London. The project was to reverse engineer triangle meshes and extract usable 2D/3D components. This is to become part of Vero's CAD product, VISI.

We used Discrete Differential Geometry in analysing shape characteristics of mesh at each edge and vertex and used it in segmenting mesh into various regions and extract 2D and 3D features. 2D features included, automatic generation of arcs, line-segments and circles for respective mesh features and 3D features included, grouping of facets together that represent a free-form feature. Spline patches can then be fitted to these free-form features.

In effect this classifies a triangle mesh into sets of 2D features and free-form 3D shapes. 2D features (viz., two connected circles) can be later used to build analytical shapes (eg., a cylinder).

This research project was very much successfull and a publication has been achieved on this work. See This.

A patent has been filed on the concept of "Reverse Engineering Polygonal Meshes Using Discrete Differential Geometry", by Vero Plc., with rights invested over Vero Plc., but it was later kept on stand-by due to economic constraints.

See This Page for more information.

HeartBeAT - A Multi-Sequence Medical Image Viewer

HeartBeAT (Heart image analysis Best Available Tool) is a Medical Image Visualization and Analysis tool that I developed at Wolfson Medical Vision Laboratory, University of Oxford, Oxford.

This tool provides a very highly interactive inerfaces to visualize and compare multi-dimensional images. Its main purpose is to visualize and compare multi-dimensional multi-modality caridiac images. This tool is being used by researchers and students at Wolfson Medical Vision Laboratory.

Developed using: C++, OpenGL, MFC, ITK, DCMTK, FreeImage, ZLIB

Uses: Command/Observer Design Strategy, Singleton Design Strategy, Hardware Accelerated OpenGL Rendering

© Wolfson Medical Vision Laboratory, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.

4D B-Spline Image Interpolator

This was an add-on work for HeartBeAT. This is a small command line based tool which takes in 4D image data (3D image blocks in time) and interpolates them to add in extra detail. For example, if an ultrasound scan of heart of a patient was taken for 10 seconds and a second scan for the same patient was taken for 8 seconds on a later date, it is clinically impractical to perform comparative analysis. Either the 10 seconds data has to be clipped in which case data is lost or the 8 second data has to be extrapolated for 10 seconds, which this tool performed.

Implemented a fast B-Spline interpolation over data to add-in more detail. Results were sometimes blurred depending upon the time frame of original data but was practical enough to perform comparative analysis over data. Use was only related to HeartBeAT but the application was generic.

Developed Using: C++

Uses: Fast B-Spline curve generation and sampling

Talapatram - Indian Languages Editor and Keyboard Layouts Software

Talapatram is a software application for creating content in 11 of the Indian Languages. It is a text editor with provision for on-screen keyboard layouts for all 11 indian Languages. Keyboard layouts are generated dynamically and conform as per the layouts defined by ISO for Indic Languages. Languages supported are Bengali, English, Farsi, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu and Urdu. Typed text can be saved in simple text files with UTF-8 encoding which can be copied to and used in other applications. Find full information about this tool

You TYPE DIRECTLY in the language you wanted. It is not a transliterator where you type in English for the software to translate that english text into your language. This type of transliterating is not a natural way of entering text, in any language. Using Talapatram you can DIRECTLY type in any of the languages mentioned above. It is a Virtual Keyboard for Indian Languages. Know More.

Developed Using: C++, MFC

Platforms: Windows XP/2000

Requirements: Unicode Fonts (Windows XP/2000 & Office XP by default ship with unicode fonts for all Indian languages), Supplemental Language Support.

A Guest Book in PHP

A group of PHP scripts to make a Guest Book on webpages. Click Here to read a tutorial on how to use this code. The tutorial also explains it in generic way, that is, to create your own PHP scripts for a 'Guest Book'. A prior knowledge of PHP and HTML are expected. This code is well-tested on Apache V1.3.28 and V2.0 both. It is also tested on PHP V4.3.2 and V5.0. Click Here to download the files (as .zip) containing source code.

VICON Volume Visualization

A Volume Visualization software tool for simulating volume being captured by VICON Motion Tracking cameras. Motion tracking cameras are used to track the gait of reflective markers in an environment. This can be for the purpose of games or for any other applications like motion of limbs in disabled people, etc.

This tool is a pre-installation tool which simulates the capture volume of VICON cameras so that optimal positions of cameras in an environment can be decided prior to physical installation. It provides a lot of easy to use interfaces for manipulating various parameters.

Significance of this tool is simulation of volume captured by a camera. I developed a new method of considering cameras so that any number of cameras can be simulated simultaneously and very efficiently. Go to Demo Page for full details about the program.

Developed using: C++, OpenGL, MFC

System Requirements : P3/P4 2 to 3GHZ, 128MB RAM Minimum, Graphics Card with 3D acceleration and Vertex buffer capability

Try it. If it works then it is confirmed that your graphics card supports Vertex buffer capability.

Virtual Hockey

A Physics Based Modelling (PBM) Air Hockey Game.

It simulates physics phenomenon such as Friction, Air Drag, Angular and Directional Velocity in real-time. Robust Collision Detection and Collision Response routines based on Light Reflection formulae and geometry of objects have been implemented in this along with a bit of AI (computer controls flippers on one side).

It is a ful-featured game with scoring and winner results. You can view it in attractive wireframe model also as shown in the picture beside.

Developed using: C++, OpenGL

System Requirements : P3/P4 2 to 3GHZ, 128MB RAM Minimum, Graphics Card with 3D acceleration and texture binding capability

View full report on implementation of Physics Phenomenon. Click here to download the zipped package file.

Distributed Virtual Hockey

The PBM Air Hockey game has been extended as a LAN based distributed game. Used .NET Remoting Technology for distributed programming.

Either two or four players can play the game over LAN. Uses TCP and the distributed part is programmed in managed C++. View full report on implementation of the distributed part of the game.

Download the Server and Client Components as a zipped package file. Please read below for instructions of operating it.

After unzipping the file run Virtual Hockey Server.exe file. It activates the host system as a server. Then run Virtual Hockey Shared Simulation Server .NET.exe to activate the Physics Simulation on the server side. The EXE file Virtual Hockey Client .NET.exe is the client side executable file. When you run it you will have to give it the name of the Server Machine for it connect to that machine (PC).

In case if you run the client on the same PC where your server is running, the system name that you have to provide to client file when it asks is localhost . Then you have to select whether you want to play TWO player game or FOUR player game and then you have to select your side of play. Either side A or side B and if it is a four player game you have to select Team A or B and then Player 1 or 2.

Developed using: C++, Managed C++, OpenGL, .NET Remoting Techniques

Ray Tracing

A Recursive Ray Tracer that renders primitive geometric shapes, spheres and planes. Also renders mathematically computed textures on walls. Renders the whole view in a spherical map. Displays images for stereoscopic vision. Displays left eye and right eye image side by side which can be used for stereoscopic vision.

View full report on implementation of ray tracing technique along with spherical mapping and stereoscopic methods. Click here to download the zipped package file and Click here to download the BMP images of Output.

Time of execution: 20sec on a P4 2.8GHZ system, 5sec on a P4 HTT 3.2GHZ (approx. values)

Developed using: C++, OpenGL

Flight Simulator

A basic Flight Simulator which is an addendum for my Terrain Visualization program (see below). Simulates fog. Gives of effect of unlimited terrain with clouds and buildings. Includes the funtionality to fire bombs.

Download the zipped package file and try it out. You need to download these BMP and DEM files. Extract them into the folder where the EXE and other files are extracted from the other ZIP file.

Developed using: C++, OpenGL

System Requirements : P3/P4 2 to 3GHZ, 128MB RAM Minimum, Graphics Card with 3D acceleration and texture binding capability

Terrain Visualization

A simple program to visualize a terrain. A few patches of terrain (BMP images) are attached together and overlaid over a mesh of triangle strips. The same program has been used to build the flight simulator (see above).

Download the zipped package file and try it out. You need to download these BMP and DEM files. Extract them into the folder where the EXE and other files are extracted from the other ZIP file.

Developed using: C++, OpenGL

System Requirements : P3/P4 2 to 3GHZ, 128MB RAM Minimum, Graphics Card with 3D acceleration and texture binding capability

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